Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Farm is getting bigger!

Yesterday, Kevin went to the Animal Auction with Oliver and Kilian. Oliver had to get a couple of chickens for a neighbour, and thought Kevin might be interested. Well, since we wanted a few inexpensive birds to check whether or not the new electric fence worked, he hooked up the trailer and loaded some cages.

I told him in no uncertain terms that he was dead meat if he came home with an emu (Oliver has two). Well, he didn't come home with an emu, but he did come home with 5 hens and 10 ducks. This of course created a minor problem - we didn't have a hen house in the pasture. So, we took down the dog run and reassembled it in the pasture for the chickens.

It's a big dog run, so it took a while to set up, and the chickens were getting restless - they were ready to roost for the night. One of them saw the wheel barrow which I'd left in the yard, and decided it was a perfect perch. Naturally, the rest followed suit, all on the same side, and the next thing we saw was a tumbling barrow and five scattered, shrieking hens!

The ducks are only 4 or 5 weeks old, so they are in a brooder in the basement for a few days to make sure they are strong enough to face the cool, fall nights. They are shy, but seem to be adjusting well. They actually calmed down enough to eat the dandelion greens I gave them for dinner tonight.

And Oliver, he bought a pregnant goat, some black ducks, and forgot about the chickens for his neighbour!

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