Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Last beach trip in Washington (6/2015)

Last week the weather started to get hot. Here in the PNW, humidity often accompanies heat. So, since it was a weekend, what could be better than loading up the truck with sodas and dogs, and heading to the beach! It got up to 93º locally, but I don't think it got above 80º at the coast. What surprised met too, was that there were several degrees of difference between the actual beach, and the area before getting to the beach, on the other side of the dunes.

The dogs love these trips, but this was especially nice since Scruff also had some fun. The boat launch where we had been taking them, has very little room for her to run, and the launch area is covered with oyster shells which tear their feet up if they spend much time on them. The beach on the other hand, was just fabulous.

While it looks like the beach is empty, there were quite a few people there. I think they stayed out of our way though - these dogs are BIG and boisterous, and Kevin was really throwing that ball some distance!

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